Thursday, April 14, 2016

Urban farming - Sydney

Urban Farming is simply urban agriculture - growing or producing food in a city or a populated town or city and sold commercially.  It is often mistaken for community gardening where produce are for individual consumption or sharing.  There are a number of benefits or urban farming including maximising unused space and reduce GHG in transportation from rural areas to urban areas. 

Arguably, in the urban landscape, land is often sacred and it's often not commercially viable to operate & sustain urban farming due to high land cost vs. profit return. 
Urban farming at Camperdown Bowling centre. source:

Nevertheless there are non-for profit urban farming organisation such as Pocket City Farms with the aim to grow food closer to where the majority of people live. In collaboration with Marrickville council, the organisation were able to transform a large portion of the recently closed Camperdown Bowling Club into a community space. 

I think it's great that they took the initiation to bring urban farming into the populated areas of Camperdown. It provides the locals an opportunity to learn about the process- particularly children through growing process, workshops, tours and recreation.


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