Wednesday, April 13, 2016

I want to go to Copenhagen! - Urban cycling

Undeniably, Copenhagen is one of the most well know cities for its sustainable approach in city planning; especially planning for urban cycling.

Based on the videos of I saw of on TED x Copenhagen - Mikael Colville - Andersen - Why we shouldn't bike with a helmet. Mickael Colville-Andersen is known to be Copenhagen's bicycle ambassador. Essentially the talks about how the bicycle for liveable cities and how bicycle helmets are threatening bicycle culture. 

It was truely inspiring when a city actually progressively transforms to make a city more liveable and not using these 'sustainable' idea as a political tool. In addition - the importance of planning in advance; compared to Sydney where roads has to be widen and reconfigured to cater for bike lanes. On a superficial level, I wish Sydney can better improve bike infrastructure and incorporate it in our existing public transport; i.e. train facilities to encourage more cycler to connect one place to another more efficiently. 

Relating back to my local, it's hard to imagine how my neighbourhood can transform its bicycle network to a city like Copenhagen. I have a perception that riding in Sydney is dangerous! This is true to most parts of Sydney; the main arterial road where I have to go through is via Pacific Highway near Chatswood and there is no bicycle lane. Therefore cyclers will have to take up one of the two lanes on a relatively tight road. Even though the new 1m rule - it is reported that the bikers don't feel safer (see below). My biker friend tell me that they get angry drivers comments all the time.

Meanwhile, while Sydney is working towards that goal - I will go to Copenhagen to experience it in a safe way. 


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