Thursday, April 21, 2016

Half Bottled Water?

I came across this article through a family friends shared page, supporting Life Water's concept of half bottled water sold in China. It is reported that 800 tonnes of bottle is wasted every year just within the Shanghai district, mainly due to users not finishing the bottle each time they would consume one i.e. after meals and after exercising. Water being an important and valuable resource to many, the idea behind the product is to maximise the water resource by donating the other half to children in water-deficient areas locally . Even though the bottle is only filled in half, the product is sold at a price that is same as a filled product. 

Although I think it is fantastic idea, promoting and maximising water by helping those in need,  but I can't help it and question the packaging of this product. I think this product is highly driven by marketing gimmick. It started as a great idea, but the execution of the product preys on consumer's social and moral conscience. 

Yes, the product does encourage water management, higher efficiency, less wastage and better use. But what about the packaging? 

Is it really necessary to produce a bottle that only holds half of the content? 

Does it promote re-use of the bottle?

The bottom line is, I wish the company can come up with better ways of executing the idea and product, reducing the pressure on other aspect of the environment, i.e. reducing inefficient produce of plastic waste. 


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