Monday, April 4, 2016

I've joined TerraCycle!

I've joined TerraCycle! 

I've first came across TerraCycle during tutorial through John. It was appealing to me to find out more about the program because it's doesn't require a lot of effort for me to sort the products individually compared to throwing it in the normal recycling bins. 
Program process (source:

So that lead to me learning more about the program on their website - TerraCycle offers a variety of free programs that are funded by conscientious company and also providing recycling solutions for purchase for a range of waste. The programs available are free recycling program, zero waste box, municipal programs and industrial waste solutions.

Types of programs (source:

The most relevant program for me is the free recycling program. These programs are free recycling programs funded by brands, manufactures and retails to help users to collect, recycle hard -to- recycle waste. To do that, i'll just choose a program I would like to join, start collecting these goods; for me the most relevant is the oral care recycling program and the beauty products recycling program; and send TerraCycle waste to be recycled. The best thing about it is, once the waste is collected, it can accumulate monetary rewards and that will go to a school or a non-profit organisation. Based on all these social, environmental and economics benefits, it's a great program that I will encourage my friends and family to join.

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