Thursday, May 26, 2016

So it is true. Coca Cola Amatil are evil; CCA vs The Container Deposit Scheme

Container Deposit Scheme CDS will commence from July 2017
Essentially the scheme is:

"Under the scheme, anyone who returns an empty eligible beverage container to an approved NSW collection depot or reverse vending machine will be eligible for a 10-cent refund. A network of depots and reverse vending machines will open across NSW to receive the empty containers."

From a environmental point of view, the benefit of the of the container deposit scheme to start in July next year outweighs the disadvantages. The CBS scheme proposed by the Baird government has chosen to support a community-back recycle scheme; for drink containers as it aims to reduce litter by 40% by 2020. In addition, some of the benefits for the CBS also includes:

  • Creates 1,500 jobs
  • Generates $160 new investment in new collection systems
  • Saves ratepayers $23-$62m annually
  • Raises over $65m for charities a year

Coca Coca Amatil and Carlton and United were one of the beverage giants opposed Braid government's proposed cash for containers recycling scheme. One of the argument against the new CDS is, it will encourage cross border smuggling of used cans. They argue that a truck full of crushed cans could generate up to $130,000 a load. I can't denied that it is an disadvantage for the beverage companies, but that reason is not strong enough to oppose the CDS scheme. 

In addition, the opposing beverage companies proposed more rubbish bins. From my perspective, I don't see how does proposing more rubbish bins is aligned with the CBS objective. Not that it should, but the idea of proposing more rubbish bins means it allows more room for consumption and I don't see how it would benefit individual health and the environment.

I'm was never a big fan of any soft drinks and now that I'm aware of this, I'll think twice before buying products from CCA


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