Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Aquaponics - Hydroponics x Aquaculture

I came across the term "Aquaponics" before but I've never actually know how it actually works. For this week's blog topic, I wanted use this opportunity to learn more about it. 

Based on a quick research on Google, "Aquaponic" is simply a combination of aquaculture (raising fish) and hydroponics (plants which doesn't require soils to grow).  The closed loop system comprise of fish and plants together in one integrated system. Essentially, the fish waste provides nutrients and an organic food source for the growing plants and the plant roots filter the water in which the fish live in. Some involves a third participant which are the microbes and composting red worms that thrive in the growing medium. 

It appears that aquaponics can come in various scale, from a tank on a desktop to commercial scale farming. The picture below is the a desktop version of ann aquaponic kit with kitchen herbs growing on top.

On a larger scale, an Australian environmental scientist and urban planner Tom Duncan who was involved in one of the world's largest floating wetland that cleaned up a lake located in Taihu, China. The project aimed to use the mass floating plant to clean up the lake which was badly impacted by toxic algal boom. As a result, 3 months after it was installed, the bloom was completed eradicated. It is very effective in terms of achieving providing a better outcome to trap the pollutants and treat them at their source. 

This is such a great way to clean up our marine environment and rivers for local people to enjoy and fish. 


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