Friday, May 27, 2016

Edible six pack rings- Bio degradable rings

This is a very very interesting article/product I came across on social media the other day (like most of my contents).  It is an article about a product called "Saltwater Brewery" use of edible/biodegradable rings on six-pack rings feed marine life if they end up in the ocean.

The concept behind the "edible rings" started with a good cause. There has always been a issue of not degradable plastic waste ended up in our water systems, damaging the environment and hurting our animal friends. Sadly, according to The Ocean Conservancy 2015 Ocean Trash Index - it offers a few staggering facts - one of the most common trash item ingested by turtles is plastic ): Not only turtles suffered our careless disposal of waste, the index indicated the amongst the 561,895 volunteers to pick up 16,186,759 pounds of rubbish, 57 marine mammals, 440 fish and 22 sharks, skates and sting rays were entangled in plastic. These facts are so heartbreaking. Facts like these makes the concept like edible size pack rings seem vital.

One of the implementation issue is cost of making it; the cost is higher compared to plastic. But that being said; the product is as resistant and efficient as plastic packaging.

I think the concept of this idea is great - more people should make the packaging 100% biodegradable and compostable. But at the same time, we can't just make everything biodegradable and not manage our waste which ends up in our ocean floor. We have to manage our waste efficiently so it doesn't end up in the ocean in the first place. In addition, I'm not completely comfortable about the fact that even though that it is biodegradable, it may still pollute the water if there is a large amount of it. Not to mentioned that even if its edible, I'm not convinced that it is safe/health for our marine animals to eat it.


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