Friday, March 25, 2016

How sustainable am I?

After the lecture on "Frameworks for Sustainability and Measuring Outcomes" delivered by Jonathan Fox, I was interested in knowing my ecological footprint as demonstrated during the lecture.

I'm not going to lie, I always knew that I'm not pushing myself to be as sustainable as I want myself to be. Therefore when I got my test results, I'm not surprised that my ecological footprint is quiet ridiculous.

I can't expect the city to be sustainable if I can't make the effort to be sustainable at an individual scale. After quantifying some of the consumption, I realised I can cut down on a few consumption and be more aware of my consumption in my daily life including, using less air conditioning during summer/winter, buy more produce from local farmer (even if they don't look as attractive) and the list goes on... and making sure everyone everyone in the household is on the same page. 

There are a few area in which I would like to improve on but it's a bit beyond my control. First, it is mobility; I'm aware that using public transportation can help to reduce greenhouse gas instead of travelling by car from work (Lane Cove) to university (Kingsford) to home (lower north shore). However, due to the public transport network in those three locations, it is very time inefficient for me to do so. If Sydney had a better public transport system, much like Hong Kong or Tokyo, I would be more than happy to use that instead. 


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