Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Guilty confessions: Plastic bags

Speaking of plastic waste... I'm guilty of using plastic bags in super markets. And why? Most of the time, it's because I'm too lazy and not wanting to make the effort to bring a bag with me. 

But. I tried to reuse them as much as I can. In my household, every time we bring home a plastic bag, we will fold them into little triangles and but it in a dedicated plastic bag bucket and reuse it for mostly bin liners & to pick up dog poo when we walk the dog. If the bag smells a bit or it's wet (i.e. used to carry frozen food/milk) we generally let it air dry for a day and then fold it into little triangles.

Going back to the recycling aspect of it. I'm very curious to know why the major supermarket in Sydney doesn't promote biodegradable plastic bags? I've seen them around when I go to the local fruit and veggie shops. Considering that they are major supermarkets in Australia, I don't see why they don't promote biodegradable plastic bag? Are they that much more expensive then normal plastic bags? Even though these major supermarkets have a recycling box for customers to bring back their plastic bags, but lets be realistic. I think less that 5% of the customers actually brings back the bags for recycling. So, isn't better to use biodegradable bags and therefore, at least even if they go straight to the landfill, it can degrade itself. Quick research indicated that it takes an approximate 5 years to degrade. 

On top of that, to me it is funny how Australia's legislation is not keeping up with the social education of plastic bags. In our society, I believe many people know the damages of plastic bag does to our environment and yet,  our legislations are not enforcing it through monetary charges or apply heavier tax or do something about it. In comparison to my hometown in China, we have to pay extra to purchase a plastic bag when we go buy groceries from the supermarkets. I think it's a great idea to enforce the idea and promote people to bring in their own bags. 

After all these thoughts; I will make more effort into bring my own bags. If I do end up using plastic bag - I'll make sure I get the most out of it. 

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