Thursday, June 2, 2016

ReGen Village, Amsterdam - closed loop settlement

I was so excited to read about the ReGen Village Amsterdam; It is a new community aims have zero waste. I always thought zero waste is a big claim, because realistically it is hard to achieve.

Back to the topic, ReGen Village, Amsterdam is a community of the future. It is a housing project that aims to achieve zero waste by building designated areas for residents to grow their own food, composting their own waste and producing their own energy in one neat ecosystem. This is done by farming technologies such as aquaponics, aeroponic, food forest and permaculture. The neighbourhood will grow many times more food compared to a traditional farm of the size with fewer resources.

Moreover, the village also has plans for sustainable energy production. It will be powered by a mixture of "geothermal, solar, solar thermal, wind, and biomass"

I can't wait to see the village is completed and its performances on a report. In particular - the social, environmental and economic performances of this village. If the outcome is as good as it sounds, I hope to see this concept in Australia in some of our suburban area.
